- Lake Poso and Area : Lake Poso is famous for its
annual Lake Poso Festival, its cleaniness, and . Included in this section is information
for Pendolo, Tentena,
Salopa Waterfalls, and the Orchid Park.
- Lindu Utara : Lore Lindu National Park, Napu
Valley, Kamarora, Kulawi
- Lindu Selatan : Bada and Besoa Valleys.
- Luwuk/Banggai Islands : On the east side of the island.
Quite a clean and picturesque location.
- Togian Islands : The best snorkelling location I've
found in Indonesia.
- Pantai Timur : On the road from Poso to Manado. Good
reefs and fishing spots. Tinombo, Ampibabo, Parigi and even a
little bit about Gorontalo (even though its in North
- Palu Bay : The city itself isn't nice but there's enough
interesting places around the bay to make it worthwhile. Includes Palu,
Tanjung Karang, Mantikole
Hot Springs, Enu Beach, Kebon Kopi and Loli Indah.
- Poso and Area : The second largest town...quieter than