- Bakiriang Wildlife
Reserve --- Accessible from Luwuk.
Lore Lindu
National Park --- Accessible from Palu.
Nature Reserve --- Accessible from Poso and Luwuk.
Dolongan Wildlife Reserve --- Accessible from Toli2.
Tanjung Api
Nature Reserve --- Accessible from Ampana, Togian.
Marine Reserve --- Well-referenced pages dealing with the flora and fauna of these
Central Sulawesi parks.
- Central Sulawesi --- A lame overview, but perhaps it will develop.
- The Guide to Central Sulawesi ---
A lot of pages in broken English and slow loading, but covers a wide variety of subjects.
Appears to be written by the local tourist department though, as much of the out-of-date
and incorrect information is the same as what you would find in the official brochures.
- Lariang River - This link was submitted by graduate students at
the University of London, who were in the Lariang river area conducting geological
research - limited information.
- Map of
Sulawesi (Celebes) --- Finally working ... you can click it to explore the region you
want, but it only provides a general map of Central Sulawesi. Gives you a good idea
- The
Morowali Project --- Several academic pages devoted to this region of Central
Sulawesi. The pages present information on research conducted from January 1995 -
August 1996 in Morowali Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia with the Wana, a group of
indigenous hunter, trapper, horticulturalists.
- Togian Islands, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia --- Since 1992, YABSHI has
manned a research station on the island of Malenge, located on the northern outskirts of
the Togian island group. Overview of the project.
- Travel Tips
Excellent pointers for travellers to Sulawesi...covers the finer points of getting through
Central Sulawesi